Items where Subject is "400 Bahasa > 420 Bahasa Inggris & bahasa Inggris Kuno "

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Anita, Anita and Arifin, Moh. Nur and Maulida, Lida (2022) Lirik Lagu Bahasa Inggris bagi Guru RA di Kecamatan Karang Tanjung Pandeglang untuk Mengembangkan Kemampuan Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris Anak Usia Dini. Tidak Dijelaskan. Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Serang.


Ma'mur, Ilzamudin (2011) Special Islamic Readers: English for Muslim Students. Diadit Media, Jakarta. ISBN 978-979-1815-76-5

Ma'mur, Ilzamudin and Amalia, Ila and Heryatun, Yayu and Muin, Abdul (2014) Selected Readers: English for Islamic Studies. LPM IAIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Serang.

Ma'mur, Ilzamudin and As'ari, As'ari and Mufti, Anita and Rahmawati, Eulis and Muin, Abdul and Arifin, Muhammad Nur and Tarihoran, Naf’an and Hijaziey, Djawahir (2007) Special Readers: English for Islamic Studies. Diadit Media, Jakarta. ISBN 979-3957-81-6


'Aini, Qurrotul (2021) English Language Assessment Using Google Form (A Case Study at SMAN 4 Kota Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

AS, Mansyur (2023) Applying Read, Think, Talk to Improve Students Speaking Skill (The Quasi Experiment At MA Salafiyah At-Thohiriyah, Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Abrori, Moh. Eka Hilmi (2021) The Effectiveness of Elicitation Technique in Teaching Writing on descriptive Text (An Experimental Research at the second grade of MA. Al-Mumtaz Pulosari-Pandeglang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Afrika, Alni Sidqiyah (2021) An Analysis of Lexical Neologisms During Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic to Enhance Morphological Knowledge. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Agusti, Anggi (2023) An Implementation of Digital Picture Series in Teaching Narrative Text (A Case Study at SMP Satap Pasir Menteng). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Agustiana, Adetia (2021) Higher-Order Thinking Skill in Reading Exercises ( A Content Analysis of Reading Exercises in Student’s Worksheet For Eleventh Grade Senior High School Students Qualitative Research in MA Al-Khairiyah Pipitan ). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Ahmad, Ahmad (2021) Introducing English Word Class: Affixes In Avenger Infinity War Movie (A Content Analysis In Avenger Infinity War Movie). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Ajda, Falasifa (2022) The Effectiveness of Using "English Sound Application" to Improve Students' Pronunciation (An Experimental Research at 2nd Grade of MTs Mathla’ul Huda Pandeglang in Academic Year 2020/2021. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Al Hazimi, Naseef Efriza (2023) An Inquiry of English Speech Contest in Building Self – Confidence Toward EFL Student (A Case Study at Seventh Grade Students of SMP Plus Assa’adah). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Alam, Alvi Fathul (2021) DESIGNING SYLLABUS OF ENGLISH COURSE AT SDIT IQRA (A Research and Development in the Sixth Grades of SDIT IQRA Kota Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Alawiyah, Nur Azizah (2021) The Influence of Hypnoteaching Method to The Students’ Speaking Skill (The Experimental Research At 8 Grade Of Mts Al-Inayah Academic). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Alfaeni, Ifan (2022) Emotional Intelligence on Learning English as English Foreign Language (A Case Study at Eleventh Grades Majoring in Social Sciences of MA Al- Khairiyah Pipitan). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Alifah, Alifah (2022) The Implementation of Dictogloss Technique of Joox App to Improve Students' Listening Skill (A Pre-Exprimental Study at the Eight Grade of SMPN 1 Gunung Kaler). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Aliyah, Nurhikmatul (2023) The Effect of Using Word Games on Teaching Vocabulary (An Experimental Research at the Fifth Grade of SDIT BaniInsani). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Amalia, Yuni (2021) Students’ Motivation in Learning English (A case Study at tenth grade of MAN 1 Cilegon). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Amaliah, Abidah (2021) Students’ Perceptions on the Use of Whatsapp Group Media toward Students’ Achievement in Online English Learning of Reading Comprehension (A Correlation Study At SMPN 1 Rajeg). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Amelia, Siska (2022) TikTok Followers as a Parameter of Interest in Learning English Vocabulary for Non-Native English Learner. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Andini, Dede (2022) Developing Fable Book as Media to Increase Students’ Vocabulary Mastery (R & D at Fourth Grade Elementary School of Panjangjaya 1 Mandalawangi-Pandeglang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Andini, Dini (2021) Implementation SQ3R Strategy in Teaching Reading Comprehension ( A Case Study of Eleventh Grade Students at MA Al-Khairiyah Pipitan, Walantaka, Serang City, Banten ). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Anisa, Winah Nurbaini (2023) Teaching Speaking Through Finding Missing Information (FMI) Technique at the First Grade of Senior High School (A Quasi-Experimental Research at the First Grade of State Vocational 1 Curugbitung). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Anjasari, Tia Dwi (2021) An Analysis Of Language Features On Narrative Text (A Content Analysis 9th Grade At MTS Negeri 1 Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Ansori, Irham Bayquni (2021) Using Story Telling Technique To Improve Students' Speaking Skills ( A Classroom Action Research at 2nd Grade MA Al-Rahmah Walantaka Serang ). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Apriyani, Izzat (2022) Students Speaking Anxiety Found in Speaking Activities (A Case Study in The Third Semester Students of English Education Department UIN SMH Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Ariska, Idas (2021) An Error Analysis Of Students' Writing On Biography (A Study At PBI D Students of IAIN SMH Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Aristanti, Sifhana (2021) The Analysis Of Directive Speech Acts On World Health Organitation's Speech Entitled "WHO Director General's Opening Remarks At The Media Briefing On Covid-19 - 11 May 2020". Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Aristiani, Nurlita (2022) An Analysis of Deixis in The Greatest Showman Movie (A Content Analysis of the Main Character Utterance). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Arofah, Fidella Nur (2023) The Effectiveness of Total Physical Response and Discovery Learning Method on Students’ Vocabulary Mastery (A Quasi-Eperimental Research at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 6 Cilegon). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Astuti, Astuti (2021) Analysis of Students Code Mixing on English Daily Conversation at Islamic Boarding School.(A Case Study at Bayt Al-Qur’an Cikande). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Astuti, Gendis Madu (2022) An Analysis of Educational Values in “Sing” Movie (A Content Analysis). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Astuti, Leni Sri (2021) Exploring the process of English teaching and learning at primary school of Al- Azhar Cilegon. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Asyifaurohmah, Asyifaurohmah (2021) The Analysis of Main Characters and Moral Values of Local Folklore (An Analytical of Local Folklore). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Athiyah, Umi (2022) The Implementation Of Conversation Strategies On Students’ Self-Confidence To Speak English (A Case Study At Grade Xi Of MA Ashhabul Maimanah Cikobak). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Aulia, Nisa (2023) Investigating Students’ Speaking English Problems in EFL Classroom (A Qualitative Research at Eleventh Grade of SMAN 3 Pandeglang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Ayu, Putri Wulung (2023) The Effect of Visual and Auditory Learning Style on Student’s Reading Comprehension. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Azzahra, Syeha Nabila (2023) The Effectiveness of Using Tongue Twister Technique to Improve Student’ Pronunciation Mastery in English Learning (A Quasi-Experimental Research in the Eleventh Grade of MAN 2 Kota Tangerang in the year 2021-2022). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Azzahro, Afny (2024) The Influence of Word Chain Game Towards Students’ Speaking Skill (A Quasi-Experimental Research at the Eight Grade of SMP Negeri 2 Mancak). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Badriyah, Badriyah (2021) Exploring Students’ Problem In Comprehending English Reading Text In Period of Covid-19 Pandemic (A Qualitative Research at Arabic Education Department (PBA) The State Islamic Univeristy Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Balqis, Sarah Lidya (2024) An Analysis of the Implementation of “Merdeka Curriculum” in English Instructions (a Descriptive Qualitative Research). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Basuni, Ratu Marsya Aulia (2021) The Effectiveness of Using Board Games Towards Students’ Speaking Skill (An Experimental Research of The Second Graders at SMP Islam Al – Ayaniyah Tangerang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Burrahman, Habib (2022) A Semantic Analysis on The English Translation of Surah Ar Rahman by Abdullah Yusuf Ali. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Dahlia, Dahlia (2021) “Exploring Students’ Difficulties in English Learning Online as the Implementation of Work From Home (WFH)” (A Case Study at eleventh Grade of SMK Nurul Huda Baros). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Dewi, Yulistria Amanda (2023) Teacher Pedagogical Competences in Teaching Reading (A Case Study at The Tenth Grade of SMKN 3 Cilegon). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Elisa, Irma (2021) The analysis of Students Argumentative Essays. ( A Qualitative Reasearch at English Education Department of State Islamic University Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Eliyati, Eliyati (2021) A Content Analysis of Speaking Materials and Activities Written on ” When English Rings A Bell” Textbook (An Analytical Study on English Textbook for First Grade of Junior High School). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Fadliyah, Bai (2021) The Effectiveness of Duolingo Application to Enhance Students’ Writing Simple Sentences. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Faiz, Moh (2023) The Effectiveness of Using TED Talks as The Media in Teaching Students’ Speaking Skills (a Case Study at the Eleventh Grade of MA Masyariul Anwar Caringin). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Fajri, Adil (2022) An Analysis on English Textbook „Pathway to English‟ for The First Year Student of Senior High School Based on 2013 Curriculum. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Fathurrahman, Tubagus Ofan (2021) The Effectiveness Of Using Youtube Video Tutorial In Teaching Speaking Skill (An Experimental Research at The Second Grade of MA Masarratul Muta’allimin Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Faujiah, Diah (2021) Teachers’ Perception Toward Student with Sanguine and Phlegmatic Personality on their English Learning Style. (A Case Study of Teacher at MTs Masyariqul Anwar Caringin). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Fauziyyah, Enong (2021) An Analysis of Collocation on Students Writing Ability of Pre service English Teacher (Qualitative descriptive analysis At English Education Department UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Febrianti, Mila Silvia (2022) The Use of Pre-Reading Strategy in Teaching Reading Comprehension (A Case Study at the Ninth Grade of SMPN 1 Mancak, Serang District). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Firdaus, Muhamad Iman (2021) Students’ Perception on the Application of Kahoot! as Digital Media in Learning Descriptive Text (A Descriptive Qualitative Study on the Tenth Grade Students of SMKN 2 Kota Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Firmansyah, Fiki (2022) An Analysis of Moral Values in Harris J‟s Songs (An Analytical of Moral Values In Song). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Fisa, Hilwa Maulida (2021) Correlation Between Students’ Self Efficacy And Their Speaking Achievement At The Grade of MTsN 5 Tangerang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Fitri, Mutiara Laila (2021) Utilization of Google Classroom as a Medium for learning English Online. (A Library Research). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Fitria, Ani (2021) An Analysis of Vocabulary Mastery in Reading Comprehension Through Electronic Dictionary (Qualitative Descriptive Analysis at UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Fitria, Siska Maulida (2024) The Efectiveness Of Story Pyramid To Improve Students' Reading Comprehension On Narrative Text (a Quasi Experimental Study at Eleventh Grade Senior High School Of Fajrul Karim). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Fuad, Anis (2021) The effectiveness of using scaffolding technique to teaching reading comprehension, (An Experimental Research at Eight Grade of MTs Ashhabul Maimanah Kedaung Mekar Baru Tangerang Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Fuadzah, Nurazizah Zahrotul (2022) Explorative Study of The Constraints in Teaching and Learning Online Process during The Covid-19 Pandemic (Qualitative Research Study at Islamic Junior High School Darul Huda Cikoneng). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Futriya, Dwi (2021) An Analysis Of Maxim Violation To Achieve Politeness In Movie “Frozen II”. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Guntur, Ahmad (2021) The Effetiveness Of Using Personal Letter on Students Recount Text Writing (An Experimental Research at the First Grade of SMAN Cijaku). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Gusviyani, Vini (2021) An Analysis The Factors of Students’ Difficulties in Speaking English Faced by non-English Department Students (A Qualitative Research at Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Hanifa, Khaulia (2023) The Influence of Picture Strip Story Technique Towards Students' Speaking Skills (Quasi Experimental Research at Second Grade Students of SMP Negeri 1 Cisoka Kab-Tangerang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Harisha, Nurul (2022) EFL STUDENTS’ PERCEPTIONS OF MICROSOFT TEAMS AS A PLAT FORM IN LEARNING ONLINE AT SMAN 2 SERANG CITY (A Qualitative Research In The Academic Year of 2021/2022). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Harsya, Harsya (2021) An Analysis of Translation in The Dialogues of a Film entitled Green Book by Peter Farrelly (A Content Analysis Of Movie “Green book”). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Hayanun, Hayanun (2023) An Analysis of Students’ Interest in Extensive Reading at The Higher Education Level (A Descriptive Qualitative Research on the Fifth Semester Students of English Education Department of the State Islamic University Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Herdiani, Dhea Putri (2023) Using Self-Regulated Presentation to Minimize The Students’ Speaking Anxiety in Classroom Activities (A Case Study at SMA Nusantara Unggul Pekayon Kab. Tangerang Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Hermawan, Eki (2021) Using Google Classroom as A Media in Teaching Explanation Text (Case Study at Second Grade Students of SMAN 2 Pandeglang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Hidayat, Taufik (2023) Exploring Skimming Skill Used by Students on English Texts (a Case Study at the Eleventh Grade of MA Masyariqul Anwar Caringin). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Hidayat, Taufik (2021) Maximizing Extensive Listening For Assisting Students' Speaking Ability Ability (Qualitative Research at the Eleventh Grade Students of MAN 1 Lebak Academic year 2020/2021). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Hidayati, Afifah Nur (2023) The Effectiveness of Zepeto Game to Improve Students Speaking Skill (A Quasi Experimental Research at Second Grade Students of MA Annida Al-Islamy Jakarta Barat). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Hidayatullah, Hidayatullah (2021) Increasing Students Speaking Ability Through Genre Based Approach (A Classroom Action Research At Class X MIA B Of MA Al-Rahmah Lebakwangi-Walantaka-Kota Serang-Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Hilmi, Chaerul (2021) The review of augmented reality in teaching writing as a media of study from home (a case study in pandemic situation of eleventh science-3 class). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Hiyaroh, Usrotul (2023) The Use Read, Cover, Remember, Retell (RCRR) Teaching Strategy to Improving the Students Reading Comprehension on Descriptive (An Experimental Research At First Grade Students of MAN 1 Kota Cilegon in Academic Year of 2022/2023). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Hotimah, Husnul (2021) Parental Involvement in Students’ English Achievement. (A Case Study at the Seventh Grade of SMP N 1 Cilegon). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Hujaemah, Emah (2021) Improving Student`s Reading Comprehension Through Project Based Learning. (A Collaborative Classroom Action Research at the Third Grade of MTs Sirajul Af’idah Gunungsari- Serang- Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Hunayah, Uun (2021) An Analysis of Figurative Language in the Song of “A Whole New World” By Tim Rice (Study of Content Analysis). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Husniati, Pricayani Dian (2021) The application of jazz chants media in students’ vocabulary enrichment (An Experimental Research at the Fourth Grade of MI Nurul Falah Cadas). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Ihya, Assyifatul (2021) An Analysis of Figurative Language in Westlife’s Songs. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Ikhmatullah, Ikhmatullah (2021) High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) in Reading Comprehension Exercises on English Textbook” (A Qualitative Content Analysis on English Textbook in Eleventh Grade of Senior High School of 2013 curriculum). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Inaya, Siti (2023) The Effectiveness of Using Digital Storytelling to Enhance Students’ Pronunciation Skill on Narrative Text (An Experimental Research at the Ninth Grade of SMPN 1 Karang Tanjung). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Islahiyah, Muslihatul (2021) The Influence of Storyboard Toward Students’ Writing Skill on Recount Text. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Istianah, Istianah (2021) An Analysis of Online Teaching in English Learning. (A Case Study Research at 8th grade of SMP Islam Ar Rochmah Cilegon). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Istiqomah, An Umillah (2021) Developing Spinning Wheel Media in Learning English Vocabulary (Research and Development at the Eighth Grade Students of MTs Ashabul Maimanah Sidayu, Kab. Serang-Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Istiqomah, Istiqomah (2021) Students' Difficulties In Translating English Text Into Bahasa Indonesia (A Case Study at the 4th Semester of English Education Department UIN SMH Banten in the 2020 Academic Year). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Izzatusysya'bani, Nurul (2021) An Investigation of Speaking Teaching Techniques through The Media of Zoom Meeting Application (A Case Study at LB LIA Course Institute Serang Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Jamil, Lilis Rosita (2023) The Effectiveness Of English Self-Video Recording Using Recount Text To Developing Speaking Ability In Senior High School (A Quasi-Experimental Study at the Tenth Grade Students of SMK Semesta in Academic Year 2022/2023). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Jannah, Aniatul (2021) The Correlation Between Students’ Linguistic Intelligence and Their Writing Ability (A Correlational Study at the First Grade of Senior High School Cahaya Madani Banten Boarding School (CMBBS) Kabupaten Pandeglang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Jannah, Dina Rohiatul (2021) An Analysis of Reading Materials on English Textbook Brilian for the Eighth Grade of Junior High School. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Jannah, Wardah Makhrofatul (2023) Students’ Motivation on Choosing English Study Program. (A Survey usingMixed method of English Department Student). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Japarunissa, Alikha Istiqhomah (2023) The Effectiveness of Students’ Speaking Skill Using Show and Tell Strategy (A Quasi Experimental Study at the Eight Grades of SMP Negeri 108 Jakarta Barat in 2021/2022 Academic Year). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Khaerunisa, Neng Widi (2021) The Analysis of Derivational Affixation in the Video of Barack Obama’s Speech about Education in 2016. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Khasyi, Ramdani Astin Abiyu (2022) The Relationship Between Students' Learning Style and Their Reading Comprehension of Recount Text (A Correlational Study At Eighth Grade In SMP Insan Madani Kota Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Khodijah, Siti (2021) An Analysis Type of Speech Acts Used By The Main Character In A Turtle Tale Sammy’s Adventure Movie Script by Domonic Paris. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Khoerunnisa, Khoerunnisa (2021) Students’ Perception on Joining English Club and Their Speaking Ability at SMAN 1 CILELES. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Khoirunnisa, Latifia (2023) The Effectiveness of Using Google Docs in Students Collaborative Writing in Writing Recount Text (A Quasi-Experimental Research at 8th Grade in MTsN 2 Kab. Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Khotimah, Husnul (2021) An Analysis of Speaking Fluency Level of English Education Department in Academic Year 2019/2020. (A Case Study at The Sixth Semester of The State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Khotimah, Khusnul (2021) Students’ Perception of Using Google Translate in Translation of Online English Learning (A Survey research on the Fourth Semester Students of English Education Department of The State Islamic University Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Kurnia, Yuly (2021) Observing the implications in enhancing students' speaking skill through Voice Note Feature on WhatsApp Messenger (A case study of XI Grade Students at SMA Mathla‟ul Anwar Menes). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Kurniwati, Mia (2021) An Analysis of Teachers’ Online Corrective Feedback on Students’ Writing Skill (A Case study at MA Masyariqul Anwar Caringin. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Kusnadiah, Indah Winarni (2021) Investigating The Implementation Of Bilingual System At Daar El Istiqomah (An Ethnography Study At Daar El Istiqomah Islamic Boarding School ). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Lestari, Diana Via (2021) Seating Arrangement as A Means For Improving Interaction in EFL (English Foreign Language) Intermediate Classroom (A Case Study of Eighth Grade Students at SMPN 1 Tirtayasa). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Liani, Danti Destri (2022) The English Language Teachers' Perception of Online Learning (Study at SMPN 4 Pandeglang and SMPN 1 Pandeglang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Lisnawati, Lisnawati (2021) The Correlation Between Students’ Emotional Intelligence and Their Reading Comprehension (A Correlative Study at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Al- Husen Tunjung Teja Kabupaten Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

MAHIYAH, MAHIYAH (2018) THE USE OF SEQUENCES OF PICTURES IN TEACHING NARRATIVE TEXT TO IMPROVE STUDENTS WRITING ABILITY(An Experimental Study at Second Grade in MAN Kragilan). Diploma atau S1 thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri "Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin" Banten.

MUN'IM, MUN'IM (2017) AN ERROR ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ IN DESCRIPTIVE TEXT WRITING (A Case Study at First Grade of SMA Negeri 1 Baros Kab. Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri "Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin" BANTEN.

Maesaroh, Eneng (2021) Using ICT in Teaching English at Islamic Junior High School. (A Descriptive Qualitative at MTsN Model 1 Pandegelang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Maftuhah, Salma Aida (2022) The Effectiveness of Hypnoteaching Method Toward Students Speaking Anxiety. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Maftuhayanah, Desti Gusti (2021) Investigating of Sound Changes in Pronouncing English Diphthong ( A Case Study at The First Grade of Student of SMAN 1 Mancak). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Magfiroh, Siti (2023) An Analysis of Translation Error that Occurs Among English Foreign Language Student (Case Study at Class TBI-E 2016 as Students of English Education Department of UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Mahdiah, Siti (2024) An Aalysis of Authentic Assessment in The English Textbook “Think Globally Act Locally”. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanudin Banten.

Manda, Manda (2023) The Effectiveness of Using Storyboard Learning Technique to Improve Writing English Narrative Text (An Experimental Research at the Eleven Grade of SMAN 1 Cikeusal). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Mandira, Dewi Ayu (2021) An Analysis of Intrinsic Elements in Captain Marvel Movie. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Maninah, Siti (2021) Identifying Students' Listening Skill Through Metacognitive (A Case Study of the Tenth Grade of SMAN 1 Kragilan in the Academic Year 2019 / 2020). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Maryati, Siti (2022) The Correlation of Google For Education with Teaching and Learning Speaking One. (The Study at1st Semester of English Education Department in Islamic State University Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten, Academic Year 2019/2020). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Masriah, Masriah (2021) Teachers’ Strategies in Teaching Speaking for Young Learners (A Case Study at EvFiA Land School in Elementary School Serang Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Maulani, Serlin Sarah (2023) An Analysis of EED Students’ Satisfaction on Entrepreneurship Course (A Survey of Students in English Education Department). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Maulida, Shofi Elsiana (2021) The Investigation of EFL Teachers’ Attitude Towards The Integration ICT During Covid-19 Pandemic ( A Study in Rural Area’s Public School of Jiput Sub-district, Pandeglang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Maulidina, Nisa (2021) Measuring Shyness of Students in Proposal Presentation (A Case Study at Eighth Students in English Education Department). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Meilani, Lia (2021) The Analysis of Students Writing Error on Spoof Text" (A Case Study at second grade of Islamic Modern Boarding School of MA Daar et-Taqwa Petir, Serang, Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Melania, Melania (2019) Gender Differences in the usage of Apology: A Pragmatic Study”. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Mimin, Mimin (2023) The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Type Number Head Together (NHT) to Increase Students' Tenses Ability (A Quasi-Experimental Research at The First Grade Students' Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Huda Baros-Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Mina, Dian Farah Cahya (2021) Enriching Students’ Vocabulary Mastery By using Riddle Game (An Experiment Research At The Second Grade Of MTsN 1 of Serang City). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Muhaemin, Asep Mukmin (2021) Kontribsi Pondok Pesantren Salafi Terhadap Pendidikan Keagamaan Masyarakat Sekitar (Studi di Pondok Pesantren Salafi Al-Muhtadiin Kabupaten Lebak). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Mulidina, Nisa (2021) Measuring Shyness of Students in Proposal Presentation (A Case Study at Eighth Students in English Education Department). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Munawar, Muiz (2021) The Effectiveness of Role Play Model to Improve the Students Understanding of Personal Pronoun” (A Classroom Action Research at the First Grade of SMP Muhammadiyah Tirtayasa). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Munfarijah, Munfarijah (2021) Improve Students’ Vocabulary Mastery Though Reading Narrative Poem (An Experimental Research at the Third Grade of MTs MTs Al-Khairiyah Citangkil). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Muqtashid, Amry (2021) An Analysis Of Students’ Perception On The Efficient Application Used In Online in the era of Covid-19 pandemic (A Research on the sixth Semester Students Of English Education Departement Of The Sate Islamic University Sultan Maulana Hasanudin Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Muslihah, Muslihah (2021) Using Singing Total Physical Response (TPR)in Early Childhood Student to Determine Their Effectiveness Vocabulary Acquisition (A Classroom Action Research at AL-IKHLASH Early Childhood Education Kp. Kijembar Ds.Warung Jaud, Kasemen-Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Musta'inah, Siti Iin (2023) The Effectiveness of Digital Mind mapping to Improve Writing skill in Descriptive Texts (A True Experimental at Ten Grade of SMA 4 Al-Khairiyah Kracak Cilegon). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Nadia, Syifa (2022) The Correlation Between Students’ Grammar Accuracy and Their Willingness to Speak in English (A Case of The Third Semester Students of English Education Department at State Islamic University of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Najmudin, M (2021) The Use of Grammatical Cohesive Devices in Theses Background of Study Written by English Education Department Students of Uin Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Najunda, Alda (2023) The Correlation Between Students’ Grammar Mastery on Simple Present Tenses and Speaking Ability in Describing People (A Correlation Study at The Eighth Grade of MTs Nurul Huda Baros). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Ningsih, Intan Setiya (2022) The Effectiveness of Using Sort Card to Enhance Students’ Vocabulary (An Experimental Research at the First Grade ofAl-Mubarok Islamic Boarding School). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Nufus, Fenty Nurhayati (2022) Students’ Perception and Motivation toward English E-Learning during Covid-19 Pandemic (A Case Study at Ninth Grade of MTSN 1 Serang City Banten Province). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Nugraha, Januar Eka (2021) The Effectiveness of Using Demonstration Method in Teaching Writing Procedure Text (An Experimental Research at The Seventh Grade of MTs Al-Rahmah Islamic Boarding School Walantaka-Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Nupus, Hayatun (2021) The Implementation of Project Assessment for Students’ Writing Skills During Covid-19 Pandemic (A Case Study at Eleven Grade Of MAN 3 TANGERANG). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Nuraini, Sherlinayuli (2023) Using Kahoot! Application in Teaching Simple Present Tense (A Pre-Experimental Research at Eighth-Grade of SMPN 8 Kota Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Nuraini, Siti (2023) The Effect of Using Poster Presentation for Increasing Students’ Speaking Skill (A Quasi-Experimental Research in Second Grade of MTs Daarul Hikmah Pekayon- Kab. Tangerang in Academic Year 2021/2022). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Nuranisa, Nisa (2022) The Effectiveness of Picture Card Media to Improve Students English Vocabulary Enrichment (An Experimental Study of 7th Grade Students of SMPN 5 Kramatwatu Academic Year 2021/2022). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Nurazizah, Sarah (2023) The Effectiveness of Using Digital Posters Presentation To Enhance Students’ Speaking Skill (An Experimental Study at Eighth Grade of SMP Islam Ar-Rochmah Cilegon). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Nurbaeti, Intan (2021) Designing an English Pocketbook for Phonetic Symbols in Pronounce Ability (Research and Development at the third grades students of MTs Al-Hidayah Rangkasbitung in Academic Year 2020-2021). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Nurfadhilah, Nunu (2023) Illocutionary Act in English Textbook When English Rings a Bell (A Qualitative Content Analysis). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Nurhidayati, Ai (2021) Students‟ Perception Toward The Use Of Google Classroom In Learning Writing A Survey Research on fifth Semester Students of English Education Departement. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Nurkholipah, Siti (2023) Error Analysis of Twelfth Grade Students’-ed Ending Pronunciation at SMAN 1 Ciomas. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Nurkomariyah, Siti (2023) The Influence of Pictionary Game towards Students’ Vocabulary Mastery (A Quasi Experimental Research in the First Grade of SMPN 1 Petir). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Nurminatulasiah, Nurminatulasiah (2021) The Analysis of Conversational Implicature in Stand Bye Me Doraemon Movie. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Padilah, Siti (2021) Students’ Perception towards Teacher’s Talk in EFL Classroom. (Case Study at The Eight Grade of MTS Al-Hikmah Curug-Tangerang in academic year 2019/2020). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Padillah, Sofiyatul (2021) Students’ Ability In Answering Reading Narrative Question With High Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) (A Descriptive Qualitative at Eighth Grade Students of MTs Satu Atap Balaraja). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Pelanni, Richa (2021) Grammatical Error In The Abstract Of The English Department Students' Paper Of UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Prastiwi, Annisa Ayundi (2023) The Effect of Questioning Strategy towards Students’ Reading Comprehension at The Eleventh Grade Students in SMAN 1 Ciruas. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Puspita, Elienda (2021) An Analysis Of Directive Speech Acts Used By Aladdin In The “Aladdin” Movie Script. (A Content Analysis of Aladdin Movie Script). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Puspitawati, Eka (2021) Exploring Teachers' Strategies in Teaching Reading Comprehension (A Case Study at the Tenth Grade of Madrasah Aliyah Sidayu Pontang Tirtayasa). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Puteri, Rizza Magfira Sidik (2021) An Analysis Students’ Difficulties in Listening. (A Case Study at the Second Grade of SMAN 3 Pandeglang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Putri, Anggi Luciana (2021) A Content Analysis of “Gateway English” Textbook for the Eleventh Grade of Senior High School Based on BSNP Criteria. (A Content Analysis on Gateway English Textbook for the Eleventh Grade of Senior High School). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Qodariyah, Lailatul (2021) The Use of E-Learning Programs on English Learning During Covid 19 Pandemic: Student's Perception (A Case Study at Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten Academic Year 2020/2021). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Qolbina, Elva Sobri (2021) Improving Aphasic Students Vocabulary Using Total Physical Response ( A Case Study at First Grade (VII) of SKHN 01 Kab. Tangerang in Academic Year 2017). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Qonitah, Ainul (2022) DEVELOPING SNAKES AND LADDERS GAME TO IMPROVE STUDENTS UNDERSTANDING IN RECOUNT TEXT (Research and Development at the Eighth Grade Students of MTs A�Khairiyah Pontang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Qurrotu, Aini (2021) A Study on Student Perception and Motivation of Online Google-Meet App on Learning English During Covid-19 Period in The First Grade at SMAN 4 Kota Serang. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Rahayu, Sri (2022) Using Portfolio to Assess Students Writing Ability in English Language Classroom (An Action Research at Eight Grade Students of MTs Darul Hikmah). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Rahayu, Widian Sri (2021) An Analysis Directive Speech Act in Jurassic World 2015 Movie (Pragmatics Approach). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Rahayuningsih, Sri (2022) Teacher’s Strategies to Improve Students’ Self-Confidence in Speaking English (A Case Study at Second Grade of Mts. Al-Khairiyah Pakuncen). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Rahman, Rizki Aulia (2021) An Analysis of Test Item in The Eighth Grade Students on MTs Al-Khairiyah Bahari Jakarta 2020/2021 Academic Year. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Ramayanti, Adelia (2021) Students’ Perception on the Use of Grammarly Application as Grammar Checker in the Process of Writing. (A Survey Research at English Education Department of State Islamic University Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Rapli, Dede (2023) The Effectiveness of Using Podcast in Spotify Application for Teaching Critical Listening (A Quasi-Experimental Research Method of Eleventh Grade at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Pandeglang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Rasmayanti, Nur (2021) An Analysis of the Role Cultural Content on Teaching Reading Comprehension. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Ridho, Tedi (2021) The Effectiveness Of Peer Tutor Strategy In Learning English (An Experimental research at the first grade of MA Daar al Ilmi Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Rina, Rina (2024) Teaching Reading By Using Overview, Key Ideas, Read, Recall, Reflect And Review (OKAR) Method (A Quasi Experiment Research With The Tenth Grades of MA Daar Et-Taqwa Petir). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Risma, Kavita (2023) Pragmatic Analysis of Illocutionary Act of Sandiaga Uno’s Speech (A Qualitative Content Analysis Research). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Rizkiyah, Rizkiyah (2021) Improving Students’ Writing Skill by Using Venn Diagram.(An Experimental Research at eighth grade of MTsN 1 Kota Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Robbani, Faiz Naufal (2021) Webtoon As Pedagogical Aplication In Immproving Student’s Reading comprehension Of Narrative Text (An experimental Research at The second grade of Ma Al-Fathaniah). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Rofi'ah, Milah (2021) The Influence of Write-Pair-Share on Students’ Descriptive Text Writing (an Experimental Research at the Second Grade of SMPN 10 Kota Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Rohmani, Rohmani (2021) The effectiveness of using Powtoon Media in Teaching Speaking Skill ( A Quasi-Experimental Study at Eighth Grade of MTs Al-Fathaniyah Kota Serang Academy Year 2019/2020). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Rohmawati, Aidah (2021) Exploring Google Classroom for Learning Reading Comprehension (A Qualitative Research at 11th Grade of SMAN 6 Kota Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Rohyani, Fifit (2021) The English Consonants Mispronunciation of Learners With Javanese of Banten Dialect Background (At The English Education Department UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanudin Banten Academic Year 2020/2021). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Rokilah, Rokilah (2021) An Analaysis of Online Students Pronounciation Error in English Diphthong during Covid 19 Pandemic. (Case Study at Myelin Course Pare-Kediri). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.


SIDIK, MOHAMAD (2018) APPLYING THINK ALOUD METHOD TO STUDENTS READING COMPREHENSION OF NARRATIVE TEXT(A Quasi-Experimental Research at the Ten Grade Students of SMAN 2 Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri "Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin" Banten.

Salamah, Alma Umi (2021) An Analysis of Difficulty Level and Discrimination Power of English Final Term Examination at Seventh Grade of MTs Al-Khairiyah Kamasan (A Quantitative Research in the Academic Year of 2020/2021). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Sangadah, Nelus (2021) An Analysis of Students' Interest in Learning passive Voice Through Spinner game. (A Case Study at Second Grade of SMK INFORMATIKA Kota Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Saputra, Weldy (2022) A Comparative Study Between Extrovert and Introvert Students On Speaking Performance (A Quantitative Research at Ninth Grade of Integrated Junior High School Al-Husein). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Sari, Junaini Ratna (2022) Development of Student Worksheet to Improve Speaking Skill (Research and Development at the Eleventh Grade of SMA Plus Assa'adah Kab. Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Sari, Ratna (2021) Students Problem in Speaking English at Second Semester. (A Qualitative research on the English Education Department of State Islamic University Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Saripudin, Arief Bijaksana (2021) Improving Student’s Speaking Skill Using English Drama Performance (A Classroom Action Research at the second grade in SMK Bismillah Padarincang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Septiani, Anita (2023) Correlation Between Students’ Self-Efficacy and Their Reading Comprehension (A Correlational Study at the Seventh Grade of SMPN 3 Kota Cilegon). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Septiani, Rosila (2023) The Effectiveness of Applying Direct Method in Improving Students’ Speaking Skill (A Quasi Experimental Research in First Grade Student of MTsN 3 Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Septiani, Sekar (2023) EFL Students’ Perception Toward Blended Learning in English Language Teaching (ELT) (a Mixed Method Research at SMAN 1 Ciruas). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Septin, Ranum Pratika (2021) An Analysis of Students' Listening Skill Based On Teacher-Made Podcast ( A case study at SMKN 5 Kota Serang in pandemic situation). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Sholihah, Siti Nufus (2021) The Effectiveness of Using Whole Brain Teaching (WBT) Method in Teacing Degree of Comparison (A Quasi Experimental Research at Eighth Grade of SMPN 13 Kota Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Shulthoniah, Shulthoniah (2022) The Effect of Semantic Mapping on Students’ Reading Comprehension (Quasi-Experimental Research At The Eighth Grade of SMP IT Al-Barokah Pandeglang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Silmi, Agnia (2023) Students’ Responses Toward the Exploring of Free Writing into Creative Writing (A Case Study at Students with Linguistic Intelligence of SMK Negeri 1 Kota Serang Academic Year of 2021/2022). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Soffanuddien, Entol Arie (2023) Developing Youtube Content Using Podcast to Improve Students Speaking Skill. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Sofiyah, Lilis (2021) An Analysis of The Lesson Plan on Teaching Reading Comprehension at SMPN 03 Maja. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Solehah, Maratu (2021) An Analysis of Presupposition on The Main Characters of Frozen Movie Script. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Suhadi, Suhadi (2019) The Correlation Between Students’ Self- Confidence and Their Speaking Achievement”. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Suhainah, Siti (2021) An Analysis of “Quizizz” Games Application in Learning Grammar (A Case Study Research at Kim College Cilegon Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Suhayati, Eneng (2021) The Correlation Between Students Grammar Mastery and Their Speaking Ability (A Correlational Study at the Eleventh Grade of MA Turus Pandeglang in Academic Year 2018/2019). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Sulana, Mahzar (2023) The EFL Learners’ Perception of Online Microteaching Program During Covid19 (Research at the English Education Department the Faculty of Education and Teacher Training of UIN SMH Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Sulikah, Sulikah (2021) An Investigation of Reading Comprehension through Reading Aloud (A Case Study at the First Grade MTs Al-Khairiyah Pipitan). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Sumirat, Dewi Ratna (2021) Students’ Activities In Writing Narrative Text Using Digital Storytelling. (A Qualitative Research at 9th grade of SMP IT Ar-Raudhah Albantani). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Sundari, Lulu Galuh Novia (2021) Illocutionary Act in UK Prime Minister Statement of Coronavirus Lockdown Plan (A Content Analysis Research). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Susanti, Anida (2021) The Effectiveness of English Movie “Onward” to Improve Student Vocabulary Acquisition (A Experiment Research at The Grade Students Of SMAN 1 Ciomas). Diploma atau S1 thesis, u.

Susanti, Herlina (2021) Applying Social Media Facebook To Develope Student Writing Skill . ( Descriptive Qualitative Research at Students' From Non Majoring English Department of State Islamic University Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Susmita, Ega (2024) An Analysis of Teacher Strategies in Teaching English Text to Dyslexia Students at SKHN 2 Kota Serang. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Sutini, Iyas (2021) The Development of Pocket Book as a Learning Media to Increase Students’ Understanding about Personal Pronoun (ADDIE Model at SMPN 26 Kota Serang (R & D)). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Sya'baniah, Rahmah Dyani (2023) The Effectiveness of CTL (Contextual Teaching and Learning) in Pronunciation Ability (An Experimental Research at Seventh Grade at SMP YAMIS Jakarta). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Syafaat, Syafaat (2021) The Relationship Between Vocabulary And Listening Ability At Third Students Of MTs Al-Rahmah Islamic Boarding School. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Tanjung, Muhamad Farhan Munawar (2023) The Implementation of Metacognitive Strategy to Achieve Listening Comprehension (Pre-Experimental Research at the Eleventh Grade of Kulni Modern Islamic Boarding School at Cikande Serang Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Thoriq, Thoriq (2021) The use of gamification of duolingo in teaching basic English grammar (A Quasi Experimental Research at Second Grade of MAN 1 Kota Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Tunnisa, Dhita Faradila (2021) The implementation of sketch to stimulate student’s critical thinking in argumentative text writing (A Case Study at Faculty of Education and Teacher Training UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten Academic Year 2020/2021). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Umam, Hifni Khotibul (2021) Using Video Recording As Self Reflection To Improve Students Speaking Accuracy And Fluency (A Pre Experimental Research at The Eight Semester Of English Education Department of State Islamic University Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Ummah, Siti Nahdhiyyatul (2021) The Effectiveness Of Flipchart Media On Students’ Reading Comprehension Of Narrative Text (An Experimental Research of The VIII Grade of MTs KULNI Cikande-Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Utami, Miftah Aulia (2021) Opting Out of Gricean Maxims Analysis in The Red Shoes and The Seven Dwarfs Movie. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Wafiya, Fazirotul (2021) An Analysis of Supporting Arguments on Student’s Critical Writing (Qualitative descriptive analysis At English Education Department UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Watoniah, Eva Silvia (2022) EFL Students’ Perception on Grammar In Speaking Activity (A Survey Research at The 3th Semester English Education Department of State Islamic University Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Widiastuti, Widiastuti (2021) Evaluating School Literacy Movement Programme at SMPN 1 Kota Cilegon (A Case Study at SMPN 1 Kota Cilegon). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Wulandini, Fitra Bela (2021) An analysis of Illocutionary Act in the Main Character of Akeelah and the bee movie (A Content Analysis Of Akeelah and The Bee Movie Script by DOug Atchison). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Yarmawati, Fitri (2018) The Effectiveness of Vocabulary Self-Collection Strategy Towards Reading Comprehension in Narrative Text (An Experimental Research at the Eight Grade of SMPN 3 Pandeglang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanudin Banten.

Yulyana, Eva (2021) The Use Of Fix-up Strategy in Teaching Students’ Reading Comprehension on Spoof Text (A Quasi Experimental Research At The Twelfth Grade Of Madrasah Aliah Turus Pandeglang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Yuningsih, Yuningsih (2021) Games as a Tool to Develop Speaking Skills: Students’ Perception (A Survey Research at the Eighth Grade Junior High School of Pulomerak Sub-District in Cilegon City). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.


Yusuf, Muhammad Rahmannandi (2021) The Implementation of Read Aloud Strategy Using Mini Drama Script To Students‟ Speaking Skill (A Quasi Experiment At Tenth Grade Al – Mubarok Boarding School). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Zafa, Nur 'Afifah (2022) An Analysis of Students English Spoken Communication at 8th Grade Islamic Boarding Junior High School Daarul Ishlah: Problem and Solution. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Zahraa, Rahmah Antika (2023) The Effectiveness of Using Picture from Canva Application in Improving Students’ Writing Skills on Descriptive Text (A Quasi-Experimental Research at Tenth Grade of SMK Nurul Huda). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

Zalika, Nindia Hana (2022) The Correlation Between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Their Reading Comprehension ( A Correlation Study for Eleventh Grade Students of SMAN 2 Pandeglang in the Academic Year of 2020/2021). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

Zanuar, Rizky (2021) Designing Instructional Materials Of Speaking For Vocational School In SMKN 3 Kota Serang For Department Of Catering. Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

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