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Tarihoran, Naf’an (2024) Enhancing Resilience in Indonesian Muslim Families through Logotherapy Counseling. Enhancing Resilience in Indonesian Muslim Families through Logotherapy Counseling, 6 (3). ISSN 2656-1050.
Rahayu, Ainaya and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2024) The Use of Mindmaps and its Effectiveness in ELT: A Systematic Review. Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE), 4 (2). pp. 928-944. ISSN 2810059x
Aini, Alfi and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2024) The Use of Videos and Its Effectiveness In ELT: A Systematic Review. Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE), 4 (2). ISSN 2810059x
Hulliyany, Putri Datin and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2024) The Use of Podcast and Its Effectiveness In ELT: A Systematics Review. ADIBA : JOURNAL OF EDUCATION, 4 (3). pp. 424-431. ISSN 2808-4721
Muslimah, Nadrotul and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2024) Malling Your Way to Perfect Pronunciation: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Social and Education (INJOSEDU), 1 (4). pp. 962-973. ISSN 3047-6151
Sari, Siska and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2024) The Use of Flashcards and Its Effectiveness In ELT: A Systematic Review. The Use of Flashcards and Its Effectiveness In ELT: A Systematic Review, 2 (7). pp. 884-897. ISSN e-ISSN: 2986-3295
SUCIAWATI, AULIA and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2024) Level Up Your English: Exploring the Power of Online Games in Indonesian High Schools. JADEs Journal of Academia in English Education, 5 (1). pp. 1-33. ISSN 2797-9245
Nursyahida, Hanifa Maudy and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2024) The Use of AI and Its Effectiveness In ELT: A Systematic Review. Algebra : Jurnal Pendidikan, Sosial dan Sains, 4 (2). pp. 11-18. ISSN 2807-663X
Pribadi, Rizka Juliana and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2024) The Use of Pictures and Its Effectiveness in English Language Teaching:A Systematic Review. Seroja : Jurnal Pendidikan, 3 (2). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2961-9408
PUTRI, AMELIA and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2024) The Benefit of TikTok Usage and Its Effectiveness in Teaching English: A Systematic Review. Formosa Journal of Sustainable Research (FJSR, 3 (6). pp. 147-162. ISSN 2830 6288
FAZIAH, SITI AFIFAH and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2024) The benefit of Youtube Usage and Its Effectiveness in Teaching English: A Systematic Review. https://adisampublisher.org/index.php/adiba, 4 (3). pp. 380-392. ISSN 2808-4721
KHASANAH, MAUIZATUL and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2024) Benefit of Facebook Usage and Effectiveness in Teaching English: A Systematic Review. Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Humaniora (JPIH), 7 (6). pp. 54-60. ISSN 21155640
HASANAH, USWATUN and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2024) The Benefit of Vlogs Integration and Its Effectiveness in Teaching English. Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE), 4 (2). 455 - 464. ISSN 2810059x
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2024) Benefits of Instagram Usage and Its Effectiveness in Teaching English: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Social and Education (INJOSEDU), 1 (1). pp. 217-228. ISSN 3047-6151
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Wahty, Erica and Sapriati, Amalia (2024) The Impact of Indoor and Outdoor Experiential Learning on Academic Achievement in Primary School. INDONESIAN JOURNAL OF INSTRUCTION, 5 (3). pp. 440-451. ISSN https://doi.org/10.23887/iji.v5i3.85532
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2024) PROGRAM BUKU: The 10th International Conference on Community Development (ICCD-10). In: Peogram Buku. 10, 1 (10). AMCA, Taiwan, pp. 1-60.
Qibtiya, Maryatul and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2024) The Use of Google Classroom in Effectiveness In ELT: Systematic review. The Use of Google Classroom in Effectiveness In ELT: Systematic review, 4 (2). p. 291. ISSN 2808-5418
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Qurtubi, Ahmad (2023) Landasan Penelitian Kualitatif Desain Dan Teknik Penelitian Bidang Pendidikan, Ekonomi dan Ilmu Sosial lainny. PT. Literasi Nusantara Abadi Grup, Malang. ISBN 978-623-114-199-6
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Yuliarti Agustini, Ella and Sapriati, Amalia (2023) The Relationship Between Learning Motivation and Self-Efficacy Through Science Learning in Elementary Students. JPSD (Jurnal Pendidikan Sekolah Dasar), 9 (2). pp. 133-142. ISSN 2540-9093,
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Maulan, Hasan and HUNAINAH, HUNAINAH and Wasehudin, Wasehudin (2023) Penerapan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif pada Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Islam di Yayasan Al-Uyun Lebak. I S L A M I K A Jurnal Keislaman dan Ilmu Pendidika, 5 (3). pp. 1129-1140. ISSN p-ISSN : 2656-5382 e-ISSN : 2656-0224
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Ramadhanti, Riana and Oktaviana, Fadilla and Fitriani, Dini (2023) Challenges, Strategies, and Digital Media Use in Writing Research Articles: A Study of EFL Postgraduate Students. Scope: Journal of English Language Teaching, 8 (1). pp. 167-175. ISSN p-ISSN 2541-0326 | e-ISSN 2541-0334
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Nikmatullah, Cecep (2023) Digital Pesantren: Revitalization of the Islamic Education System in the Disruptive Era. Al Izzah: Jurnal Hasil-Hasil Penelitian, 18 (1). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1978-9726; ISSN(e): 2541-0717
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Rahmi, Ami and Nugraha, Enung (2023) Hubungan Komite dan Kepala Sekolah Dengan Pencapaian Mutu Pendidikan di SMK Babunnajah Pandeglang Banten. Sinergi, 5 (1). pp. 16-22. ISSN 2686-0287
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2022) Pedoman Disertasi 2022. Pascasarjana, Serang.
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2022) Pedoman Tesis 2022. Pascasarjana, Serang.
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Sumirat, Iin Ratna (2022) The Impact of Social Media on the Use of Code Mixing by Generation Z. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 16 (7). pp. 54-69. ISSN 1865-7923
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2022) Comparison of Decision Tree Classification Methods and Gradient Boosted Trees. TEM Journal, 11 (1). pp. 316-322. ISSN 2217-8309
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2022) CALLing the process of writing: Facebook as language support learning tool in enhancing the EFL learners’ online writing performance. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 18. ISSN 1305-578X
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2022) “From bricks to Click": Metacognitive Reading Skills of Students in the Pre and During Pandemic Era. Journal of Positive Psychology and Wellbeing, 6 (1). ISSN 2587-0130
Juhji, and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2022) A Meta-Analysis Study of Principal Leadership and Teacher Job Satisfaction. Al-Ishlah: Jurnal Pendidikan, 14 (2).
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2022) Pedoman Akademik Pascasarjana 2022. Pascasarjana, Serang.
Fasilah, Anis and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2021) Pengaruh Penggunaan Edmodo dan Kemampuan Guru dalam Mendesain Bahan Ajar terhadap Hasil Belajar PAI. Qothruna, 8 (1). pp. 83-103. ISSN 2776-5563
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Syafuri, B and MASKUR, MASKUR (2021) Pre-Service Teachers’ Perception of Online Learning in Islamic University during a Coronavirus (Covic-19) Pandemic. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12 (3). pp. 4181-4189. ISSN 3094653
Hunainah, Hunainah and Farkhan, Muhammad and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2021) Hasil penilaian sejawat sebidang atau peer review Karya ilmiah : jurnal ilmiah Mentoring EFL Teaching During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Ankara University Faculty of Education Department.
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Farkhan, Muhammad and HUNAINAH, HUNAINAH (2021) Mentoring EFL Teaching During the Covid-19 Pandemic. İlköğretim Online (IOO) - Elementary Education Online (EEO), 20 (1). pp. 717-726.
Munawir, Amin and Tarihoran, Naf’an and Muhajir, Muhajir (2021) Pengaruh Latar Belakang Pendidikan Dan Status Sosial Orang Tua Terhadap Keberhasilan PAI. Ta’dib : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, V.20. XX-XXX. ISSN ISSN: 2528-5092 (Online) 1411-8173 (Print)
Fasilah, Anis and Tarihoran, Naf’an and Saefurohman, Asep (2021) Pengaruh Penggunaan Edmodo Dan Kemampuan Guru Dalam Mendesain Bahan Ajar Terhadap Hasil Belajar PAI (Studi di SMA Negeri dan MA Negeri Kota Cilegon). Qathruna: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Pendidikan, Vol.8. ISSN ISSN Online: 2776-5563 & ISSN Cetak: 2406-954X
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Hunainah, (2020) Effectiveness of Behavioral Contract Counseling in Improving Student Psychological Strength. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Arts and Humanities (IJCAH 2020). ISSN 2352-5398
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Hunainah, and Fauzi, Anis and Solihat, Tita (2020) Relationship Between Spiritual Education and Social Education With the Development of the Superior Personality of Students. Proceedings of the International Conference on Community Development (ICCD 2020). ISSN 978-94-6239-253-3
Fajron, Akhmad and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2020) Moderasi Beragama: Perspektf Quraish Shihab dan Syech Nawawi Al-Bantani, Kajia Analisis Ayat tentang Wasatiyah di Wilayah Banten. Media Madani, Serang. ISBN 9786236599662
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2020) Teacher Candidates’ View on Using Technology in Developing English Language Teaching Materials. International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation- Scopus Q4, 24 (8). pp. 3005-3013. ISSN 1475-7192
Suheri, Suheri and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2020) Studi Komparasi Kinerja Guru Bersertifikasi dan Nonsertifikasi dalam Implementasi Kurikulum 2013 di Kabupaten Serang Banten. Cokroaminoto Journal of Primary Education, 3 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 26546434
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Syafuri, Syafuri and Rahmania Elbarusi, Atika (2020) The Role of Positive Psychology in English Foreign Language Classroom. In: Proceedings of the 5th ASEAN Conference on Psychology, Counselling, and Humanities (ACPCH 2019), 5th ASEAN Conference on Psychology, Counselling, and Humanities (ACPCH 2019), Penang, Malaysia.
Hunainah, and Tarihoran, Naf’an and Muslihah, Eneng and Riswanto, Dody (2020) Effectiveness of Behavioral Contract Counseling in Improving Student Psychological Strength. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research,, Vol.49. pp. 475-484.
Hunainah, and Tarihoran, Naf’an and Muslihah, Eneng and Riswanto4, Dody (2020) Effectiveness of Behavioral Contract Counseling in Improving Student Psychological Strength. In: Tidak Dijelaskan.
Hunainah, and Fauzi, Anis and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2020) HASIL PENILAIAN SEJAWAT SEBIDANG ATAU PEER REVIEW KARYA ILMIAH : JURNAL ILMIAH JURNAL Relationship Between Spiritual Education and Social Education With the Development of the Superior Personality of Students. [Paket Data]
Hunainah, and Tarihoran, Naf’an and Muslihah, Eneng and Riswabto, Dody (2020) Hasil Penilaian Sejawat Sebidang Atau Peer Review Karya Ilmiah : Jurnal Ilmiah Jurnal Effectiveness Of Behavioral Contract Counseling In Improving Student Psychological Strength. [Paket Data]
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2020) Pemakzulan Presiden Amerika Serikat. PT RajaGrafindo Press, Jakarta. ISBN 9786232314115
Gunawan, Soleh and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2020) Pengaruh Pemanfaatan Dana BMT Tijarah dan Pendampingannya Terhadapat Kesejahteraan Masyarakt Cilegon Pelaku Usaha Mikro. In: International Conference V., October 12-13, 2020, Batusangkar.
Hidayat, Anwar and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2020) Pengaruh Penggunaan Metode Qiro'ati dan Peran Teman Sebaya Terhadap Kemampuan Tahsin Al Qur'am Siswa Madrasah Aliyah. Qourtuna Jurnal keilmuan dan Pendidikan, 7 (2). pp. 1-18. ISSN p-ISSN: 2406-954X
Al Imrom, Al Imron and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2020) Peranan Perbankan Syariah terhadap Pengembangan UMKM Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19. 1, 1 (1). Media Madani, Serang. ISBN 978623659949
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2020) Using Facebook Group as a Blended Learning Medium in Teaching Cross-Cultural Understanding in Islamic Higher Education. International Journal of Research in STEM Education (IJRSE)., 2 (1). pp. 13-25. ISSN 2721-2904
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Rahmawati, Rulis (2019) AN EVALUATION OF INTERNSHIP PROGRAM FOR PROSPECTIVE MADRASA AND PAI TEACHERS IN BANTEN AND JAKARTA LPTK. In: International conference English Language Teaching, Linguistics and Literature, September 2019, UIN Malang.
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Rahmawati, Eulis (2019) AN EVALUATION OF INTERNSHIP PROGRAM FOR PROSPECTIVE MADRASA AND PAI TEACHERS IN BANTEN AND JAKARTA LPTK. In: Tidak Dijelaskan, September 2019, UIN Malang.
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Rahimah, (2019) Exploring the Islamic Culture in English for Islamic Studies (EIS) Classroom. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research. ISSN 2352-5398
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Rachmat, Miftah (2019) Reading 1 Basic Reading Skills. Loquen Press, Serang Banten. ISBN 978-979-18507-3-5
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Rachmat, Miftah (2019) Reading 3 Intermediate Reading Skills. Loquen Press, Serang Banten. ISBN 978-979-18507-2-8
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Rahmawati, Eulis (2018) Evaluasi Magang Kependidikan Calon Guru Madrasah dan PAI Sekolah di LPTK Banten dan DKI Jakarta. Laporan Proyek. LP2M, Serang.
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Rahimah, (2018) Exploring the Role of Madrasah Service Learning in Enhancing Capability and Promoting Human Development in Banten. In: Konference International.
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Syafuri, Syafuri (2018) MASJID SEBAGAI PUSAT WISATA RELIGI: Mengembangkan Tata Kelola dalam Pelayanan Wisata Religi. Laporan Proyek. LP2M, Serang.
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2017) Model Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Berdasarkan Perspektif Multikultural. Saintifika Islamica, 4/1 (4). pp. 37-58. ISSN 2407-053X
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2017) English Curriculum Development. FTK Banten Press, Serang. ISBN 978-602-340-040-9
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2017) Pemberdayaan Guru-Guru Madrasah Dalam Peningkatan Wirausaha Di Kecamatan Barus Serang. Laporan Proyek. LP2M, Serang.
Tarihoran, Naf’an and ROZAK, ABDUL and Nursobah, Asep (2017) Penataan dan Pemerataan Guru Madrasah dan Guru PAI: Studi tetang Mutu dan Penataan Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan Calon Guru di LPTK. Laporan Proyek. UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. (Dalam Proses (In Press))
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2017) Pengembangan Kurikulum. Loquen Press, Serang-Banten. ISBN 978-979-18507-1-1
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Adriadi, Ade (2016) PEMBELAJARAN PROBLEM BASED LEARNING (PBL) DAN MOTIVASI SISWA TERHADAP HASIL BELAJAR PAI DI SMP NEGERI I CIRUAS SERANG. Saintifika Islamica : Jurnal Kajian Keislaman, 3. pp. 15-38. ISSN 2407 - 053X
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Aprianti, Ulan (2016) The Effectiveness Of Using Neer Peer Role Modeling (Nprm) On Students’ Reading Ability On Narrative Text. Asses, 2 (2).
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2016) Evalusi Program pendampingan Guru SMP dan MTs. Laporan Proyek. LP2M, Serang.
Heryatun, Yayu and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2016) UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING ANXIETY IN EFL CLASSROOM. Proceeding International Conference.
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Heryatun, Yayu (2016) Understanding Speaking Anxiety In Efl Classroom. Proceeding International, 1/1. ISSN 978-602-0826-16-5
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Habudin, (2015) Penelitian Tindakan Kelas dan karya Tulis Ilmiah. Kemenag Provinsi Banten, Serang Banten.
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2015) Praktik yang baik dalam perkuliahan dan Integrasi LPTK. In: Praktik yang baik dalam perkuliahan dan Integrasi LPTK. USAIN PRIORITAS JAKARTA, Jakarta.
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2014) USING MULTICULTURAL PERSPECTIVE IN DESIGNING ENGLISH CURRICULUM FOR ISLAMIC PRIMARY EDUCATION DEPARTMENT AT IAIN SMH BANTEN. In: Sriwijaya University Learning and Education- International Conference, Mei 2014, Palembang.
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Habuddin, Habuddin (2014) PEMBERDAYAAN MADRASAH DINIYAH. Madrasah Diniyah . Bidang Pendidikan Agama dan Keagamaan Kemenag Banten, Serang Banten.
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2014) Pandangan Masyarakat Terhadap Alumni Program Peningaktan Kualifikasi Guru Madrasah melalui Program Dual Mode System di FTK IAIN Banten. Laporan Proyek. LP2M, Serang.
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2014) Pedoman Penulisan Karya Ilmiah Program Dual Mode System. Panduan. FTK Banten, Serang.
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2012) Pendidikan Profesi Guru dan Peningkatan Mutu Pendidikan. Primary, 4/2 (2). pp. 113-122. ISSN 2086-1362
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2011) Panduan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Program Dual Mode Syatem. Panduan. FTK Banten, Serang.
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2010) Multicultural Perspective in Designing English Syllabus and Material Development for Islamic Higher Educational Institution. Languages and Arts Faculty,. ISSN 2086 3187
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2010) Pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di Pondok Pesantren Modern. Laporan Proyek. FTK Banten, Serang.
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2008) Using concept maps in teaching academic writing. Loquen English Jounal, 1/1 (1).
Ma'mur, Ilzamudin and As'ari, As'ari and Mufti, Anita and Rahmawati, Eulis and Muin, Abdul and Arifin, Muhammad Nur and Tarihoran, Naf’an and Hijaziey, Djawahir (2007) Special Readers: English for Islamic Studies. Diadit Media, Jakarta. ISBN 979-3957-81-6
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Moh, Hudaeri and Rahmawati, Eulis (2006) Pengembangan Model Materi Pengajaran Reading. Laporan Proyek. LP2M, Serang.
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2003) English for Specific Purposes: Law (Module). Fakultas Hukum Untar, Jakarta.
Tarihoran, Naf’an (2000) English for Specific purposes: Bahasa Inggris Ekonomi. Jakarta, Jakarta.
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Heryatun, Yayu Methodology of TEFL. FTK IAIN SMH Banten.
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Heryatun, Yayu Methodology of TEFL 2. 1, 1 . FTK IAIN SMH Banten, Serang Banten.
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Amin, Moh and Lufti, M and Rohmatul, Yuyun and Rahmatullah, Model Pengembangan dan Penguatan Keguruan. Laporan Proyek. FTK IAIN SMH Banten, Serang Banten.
Sayogie, Frans and Purwanto, Rudy and Tarihoran, Naf’an Pengembangan Model Penilaian Produk Penerjemah. Laporan Proyek. Binus, Jakarta.
Tarihoran, Naf’an and Zulkarnain, Zulkarnain and Hidayat, Ahmad Status Anak Zina dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam dan Positif di Indonesia. QANUN: Journal of Islamic Laws and Studies.