THE USE OF VIDEO BLOG (VLOG) TO DEVELOP STUDENTS’ VOCABULARIES (A Classroom Action Research at the Seventh Grade Students of SMP AL-HUSNA JAWILAN in the Academic year 2018/2019)

Zein, Adriyani (2020) THE USE OF VIDEO BLOG (VLOG) TO DEVELOP STUDENTS’ VOCABULARIES (A Classroom Action Research at the Seventh Grade Students of SMP AL-HUSNA JAWILAN in the Academic year 2018/2019). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN SMH BANTEN.

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Adriyani Zein. 152301863. 2019. The Use of Video Blog to Develop Students’ Vocabularies. (A Classroom Action Research at the Seventh Grade Students of SMP AlHusna Jawilan Academic Year 2018/2019). This research is “The Use of Video Blog to Develop Students' Vocabularies" (A Classroom Action Research at the seven grade students of SMP Al-Husna Jawilan). It consists of two problem statements: 1) How is the student’s vocabulary in learning noun on the seventh-grade students of SMP Al- Husna Jawilan. In the academic year of 2018/2019? 2) How is the implementation of vlog to develop vocabulary mastery on the seven grade students of SMP Al-Husna Jawilan. In the academic year of 2018/2019? The objective of this research such as 1) To develop vocabulary in learning nouns on the seven grade students of SMP Al-Husna Jawilan. In the academic year 2018/2019. 2) To describe the implementation of vlog to develop vocabulary mastery on the seven grade students of SMP Al-Husna Jawilan academic year of 2018/2019. This research consists of two cycles. They are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The subject of the research consists of 31 students of VII at SMP Al-Husna Jawilan. The instruments of this research test which analyze by quantitative analysis and observation sheet which analyze by qualitative analysis. The result of the research showed that there is a significant improvement in the students’ vocabulary after using visual media. This statement could prove by the students’ mean score the ability test was 57.68, it increased to 64.81 in the first cycle and 83.42 in the second cycle. The students’ vocabulary from the first cycle to the second cycle increased. It means the Video blog can develop the students’ vocabulary

Tipe Item/Data: Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi (Diploma atau S1)
Kata Kunci (keywords): Keywords: Vocabularies, Vlog. Technique
Subjek: 400 Bahasa > 407 Pendidikan, penelitian & topik terkait
Divisi: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Tadris Bahasa Inggris
User Penyetor: M.Pd artina Subhan
Tanggal Disetorkan: 28 Feb 2020 08:14
Perubahan Terakhir: 28 Feb 2020 08:14

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