The Effect of Role Playing Simulation To Improve Students Speaking Skill. (A Quasi- Experimental Research at The Seventh Grade of SMPN 10 Cilegon)

Aulia, Mega (2021) The Effect of Role Playing Simulation To Improve Students Speaking Skill. (A Quasi- Experimental Research at The Seventh Grade of SMPN 10 Cilegon). Diploma atau S1 thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

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This Research is designed to find out the effect of role playing simulation to improve students speaking skill. Especially at the seventh grade of SMP N 10 Cilegon. It is conducted based on the research questions 1) How is the students speaking skill? 2) How is Role Playing simulation applied in teaching speaking skills? 3) How is the effectiveness of role playing simulation in teaching students speaking skills?. And the aims of study are 1) To investigate the students initial speaking skill at the seventh grade of SMP N 10 Cilegon 2) To know the impact of role playing simulation when it is applied in teaching speaking skill at seventh grade of SMP N 10 Cilegon. 3) To Examines the Effect of Role Playing simulation to improve speaking skills. This research used one group pre-test and post-test design and quantitative research method. The instrument used in this research was test (pre-test and post-test). This research involves 58 students as sample among seventh grade of SMP N 10 Cilegon. The result of this study is showed from the mean of pre- test score in experimental class (73.0), and the mean of post- test score (83.4). meanwhile, based on the statistical calculation the value of to ( 7.65), and df (67) in Significance 5% ( ttable = 1.66) and in significance 1 % (ttable = 2.38). from comparing the to and ttable, the result is to > ttable = 7.65 > 1.66 and to > ttable = 7.65 > 2.38. It means, that t- observation ( to) is higher than t- table ( ttable ), so null hyphotesis ( Ho ) is rejected and alternative hypothesis ( Ha ) is accepted. it means there is a significant effect of using role playing simulation to improve students speaking skill

Tipe Item/Data: Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi (Diploma atau S1)
Informasi Tambahan: Adviser 1 : As'ari Adviser 1I : Khaeryadi
Kata Kunci (keywords): Speaking, Role Play Simulation Technique
Subjek: 400 Bahasa > 420 Bahasa Inggris & bahasa Inggris Kuno > 421 Sistem Tulisan dalam Bahasa Inggris, Penulisan dalam Bahasa Inggris
Divisi: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Tadris Bahasa Inggris
User Penyetor: S.IPI Tsulatsiah Andi
Tanggal Disetorkan: 08 Nov 2024 08:40
Perubahan Terakhir: 08 Nov 2024 08:40

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