The Correlation Between Students’ Code-Mixing in Improving and Their Self-Confidence in Speaking (A Correlational Study At English Club Senior High School 17 Jakarta)

Mujahidah, Annisa Cikal (2025) The Correlation Between Students’ Code-Mixing in Improving and Their Self-Confidence in Speaking (A Correlational Study At English Club Senior High School 17 Jakarta). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten.

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This paper investigate the correlation between students’ code-mixing and their self-confidence in speaking. The writer focuses on the title of this research: “correlation between students’ code-mixing and their self-confidence in speaking”. This research used a correlational study. The instruments used for collecting data were questionnaire and interview. The data which was collected was calculated by using Pearson Product Moment Correlation to see whether there was any significant correlation between the two variables. Based on the research analysis, the correlation between two variables was found at the value of t tcount is higher than the score of ttable at the level of significance 0.05 obtained respectively 1.685, in which tcoun = 2.118> ttable = 1.685. Since of tcount is higher than ttable . Moreover, the result of r is 0.649 which was on strong or high level according to the table of interpretation of correlation product moment. Hence, the alternative hypothesis Ho rejected and Ha accepted. In conclusion, there are strong correlation between students' code-mixing and their self-confidence at English Club Senior High School 17 Jakarta.

Tipe Item/Data: Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi (Diploma atau S1)
Kata Kunci (keywords): Code-mixing, self-confidence, correlational study
Subjek: 400 Bahasa > 420 Bahasa Inggris & bahasa Inggris Kuno > 428 Pemakaian Bahasa Inggris Baku
Divisi: Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Tadris Bahasa Inggris
User Penyetor: S.S.I Fadhilah Nurinsani Hidayat
Tanggal Disetorkan: 31 Jan 2025 08:19
Perubahan Terakhir: 31 Jan 2025 08:19

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