USING ESA (ENGAGE STUDY ACTIVATE) TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING READING SKILL ON DESCRIPTIVE TEXT (A Quasi Experimental Research at the Second Grade Junior High School 1 Karang Tanjung-Kab.Pandeglang)

NOVIANTI, RISMA KRI (2017) USING ESA (ENGAGE STUDY ACTIVATE) TECHNIQUE IN TEACHING READING SKILL ON DESCRIPTIVE TEXT (A Quasi Experimental Research at the Second Grade Junior High School 1 Karang Tanjung-Kab.Pandeglang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI "SMH" BANTEN.

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This research investigates the use of (ESA) engage study activate in teaching reading skill on descriptive text lesson.This research is aimed atknowing student’s response ofusing engange study activate technique in teaching reading skill on descriptive textat the second grade of Junior High School 1 Karang Tanjung; (1) knowing (ESA) engage study activate technique in teaching reading skill the second grade of Junior High School 1 Karang Tanjung; and (2) knowing the applied of (ESA) engage study activate on student’s reading skill at second junior High School 1 Karang tanjung. Technique used for this research is experimental research with two classes, called quasi experimental research. This research involves 82students as sample second grade two classes junior high school 1 Karang Tanjungyear 2017. The result of this research shows that score of t-test in degree of significance 5% and in degree of significance 1% so that (alternative hypothesis) of the result is accepted and (null hypothesis) is rejected. It means that of Using (ESA) Engange Study Activate technique has significant influence in teaching reading skill on descriptive text.

Tipe Item/Data: Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi (Diploma atau S1)
Kata Kunci (keywords): Engange Study Activate, Reading Skill, Experimental.
Subjek: 400 Bahasa > 420 Bahasa Inggris & bahasa Inggris Kuno > 427 variasi bahasa Inggris
Divisi: Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Keguruan > Tadris Bahasa Inggris
User Penyetor: S.IIP AINUN NAJAH
Tanggal Disetorkan: 16 Aug 2017 04:26
Perubahan Terakhir: 16 Aug 2017 04:26

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