Items where Author is "HASANAH, USWATUN"

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Number of items: 5.


HASANAH, USWATUN and Tarihoran, Naf’an (2024) The Benefit of Vlogs Integration and Its Effectiveness in Teaching English. Indonesian Journal of Education (INJOE), 4 (2). 455 - 464. ISSN 2810059x


ROSADI, SALIM and MILLAH, MUS'IDUL and ULUM, MUHAMAD MISBAHUL and RAHMAN, FITRIYANI and HASANAH, USWATUN and WIDIYANTI, LINA ERIANA and MUNAWAROH, NOVI ROJIYYATUL and PAHAD, PAHAD and MURTADO, MUHAMAD and JULIANA, MUHAMAD RIFKY LIVING HADIS: Implementasi Pola Hidup Nabi dalam Kegiatan Santri di Pondok Pesantren Modern Daarul Amanah Cilayang Cikeusal - Serang - Banten. Haura Utama. ISBN 62-163-3090-466 (Dalam Proses (In Press))


HASANAH, USWATUN (2018) CHARACTER EDUCATION VALUES ON ENGLISH COURSEBOOK “BRIGHT 1” (A Content Analysis English Coursebook at Grade VII of Junior High School). Diploma atau S1 thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri "Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin" BANTEN.

HASANAH, USWATUN (2018) IMPROVING SPEAKING Through “Two Stay Two Stray” Technique (A Experimental Research at Third year of Junior High School Shohibul Barokah Kasemen,Kota Serang). Diploma atau S1 thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri "Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin" Banten.

HASANAH, USWATUN (2017) TARI MELINTING DITENGAH BUDAYA MASA KINI (Studi Ds.Tebing Kec. Melinting Kab. Lampung Timur). Diploma atau S1 thesis, UNIVERSITAS ISLAM NEGERI "SMH" BANTEN.

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