HUNAINAH, HUNAINAH PENGARUH PEMBIASAAN INFAQ DAN SODAKOH TERHADAP PENGEMBANGAN SIKAP PEDULI SOSIAL REMAJA (Penelitian di Forum Komunikasi Remaja Masjid Lebak Rangkasbitung). ICIGIs (International Conference on Islam and Global Issues) Proceeding of International Conference on Islam and Global Issues.
Teks (PAPER)
Pengaruh Pembiasaan Infak dan Sedekah terhadap Pengembangan Sikap Peduli Sosial Remaja (Penelitian di Forum Komunikasi Remaja Masjid Lebak Rangkasbitung) Penulias Euis Ismayati Yuniar & Hunainah.pdf Available under License Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial. Download (172kB) | Pra Tinjau |
The objectives to be achieved in this study are to: analyze the influence between the habit of infaq and alms togethertowards the development of adolescent social care attitudes at the Lebak Rangkasbitung Mosque Youth Communication Forum. This quantitative research uses the Pre Experimental Design method, with the One-Shot Case Study approach model, which is an approach model that uses one time data collection at a "time". The data source comes from a questionnaire, at the implementation stage respondents were given special treatment or teaching for some time, namely the use of infaq and alms habituation. The process of analyzing this research uses product moment correlation test significance. The results of the study are:(1) variable X1 (customization of infaq) obtained an average score of 77, including both categories. (2) variable X2 (alms habituation), obtained an average score of 80, including both categories. (3) variable Y (adolescent social care attitude) from the results of question naire distribution obtain edan average score of 84, including the excellent category.Based on the results of the 't test' hypothesis significance influence between habituation (X1) and alms habit (X2) together on adolescent social careattitudes (Y), name lythevalue of the count 10.35467>t table 6.296 with a significance level of 0.05 and degrees of freedom (dk)=40-2=38 then H0 is rejected.Thus it can be concluded that the higher the value of donation and habituation habituation, the higher the development of adolescent social careattitudes.
Tipe Item/Data: | Artikel |
Informasi Tambahan: | Penulis adalah dosen Pascasarjana Pendidikan Agama Islam UIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin Banten. Informasi lebih lanjut dapat menghubungi AN. HUNAINAH: 0811123024. E-mail: |
Kata Kunci (keywords): | Infact habituation, alms habituation, adolescent social care attitude |
Subjek: | 100 Filsafat & Psikologi > 150 Psikologi |
Divisi: | Magister > Pendidikan Agama Islam |
User Penyetor: | Ainun Najah |
Tanggal Disetorkan: | 16 Feb 2021 06:34 |
Perubahan Terakhir: | 16 Feb 2021 06:34 |
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