Azis, Abdul (2018) The Effectiveness of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) in Teaching Passive Voice (An Experimental Research at the First Grade of of SMA Al-Hidayah Rangkasbitung Lebak). Diploma atau S1 thesis, Universitas Islam Negeri "SMH" Banten.
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This research conducted based on the statement of problems, 1) How is contextual teaching and learning in teaching passive voice at SMA Al-Hidayah; 2). Is it effectiveness of using CTL in the teaching passive voice at SMA Al-Hidayah;This research oriented to the following aims, 1) to investigate contextual teaching and learning in teaching passive voice at SMA Al-Hidayah 2)to investigate the effectiveness of Contextual Teaching and Learning in teaching Passive Voice at SMA Al-Hidayah. To answer questions above, the reseacher collected data from 50 students spreading in two classes, each class has 25 students. One class as experimental group, and another one is control group. This research used an experimental research. The population was 50 students of the First grade of SMA Al-Hidayah. The reseacher tooks sample from XB class as experimental group, and XA class as control group. The data was gathered through pretest and posttest because the writer used experimental method. Based on the result, the reseacher got mean pretest score 58.6 and posttest 72.4 from experimental class. While from control class the reseacher got mean pretest 64.2 and mean posttest 67. The score of experimental class increase on 13.8% it is better than control class students with increase on 2.8 %. According to the data, the score of t0 (t observation) 2.82 is higher than tt(t table) 2.01 It means that using of Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) Technique gives the significant influence in Teaching Passive Voice
Tipe Item/Data: | Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi (Diploma atau S1) |
Subjek: | 400 Bahasa > 407 Pendidikan, penelitian & topik terkait |
Divisi: | Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Tadris Bahasa Inggris |
User Penyetor: | Tina |
Tanggal Disetorkan: | 17 Des 2018 01:46 |
Perubahan Terakhir: | 17 Des 2018 01:46 |
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