Hubungan Agama Dan Akal Dalam Konteks Filsafat Pendidikan Islam Persfektif Ibnu Rusyd Dan Ibnu Taimiyyah”

Lalahwa, Illa Fadhliya and Gunawan, Agus and Muhajir, Muhajir Hubungan Agama Dan Akal Dalam Konteks Filsafat Pendidikan Islam Persfektif Ibnu Rusyd Dan Ibnu Taimiyyah”.

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This article examines the leading philosophical thoughts of Ibn Rushd and Ibn Taymiyyah in terms of the relationship between religion and reason in the context of Ibn Rushd and Ibn Taymiyyah's perspective of Islamic educational philosophy in which it discusses the role of religion, science and philosophy. All three of which are inseparably linked. Islam places great emphasis on knowledge, both rational and empirical science, and requires its followers to seek knowledge, because only with knowledge can humans understand religion and practice religious values. The purpose of this article is to provide readers with an understanding of the relationship between religion and reason in the context of Islamic educational philosophy. This research method uses library research methods or library studies, information sources are taken based on books and journals that have been published. The conclusion that can be drawn from Ibn Rushd is that being busy with philosophy does not cause aqidah and religion to become damaged. Because philosophy does not conflict with religion, while religion does not deny philosophy, in fact it advances and strengthens it, because religion is commanded to research and think about the universe. In general, philosophizing is nothing more than examining forms in terms of their indication of the existence of a Creator. Ibn Taimiyah emphasized that in principle revelation and reason cannot conflict with each other. And if it is forced, there will be a conflict between the two, the conflict that arises is the argument, namely about the status of qat'i zanni, not about its status as revelation and reason.

Tipe Item/Data: Artikel
Kata Kunci (keywords): Religion, Reason, Philosophy, Ibn Rushd, Ibn Taimiyyah
User Penyetor: S.IPI Tsulatsiah Andi
Tanggal Disetorkan: 19 Feb 2024 08:37
Perubahan Terakhir: 05 Mar 2024 02:57

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