Items where Author is "Fachmi, Teguh"

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Masitoh, Itoh and Muhajir, Muhajir and Hasbullah, Hasbullah and Fachmi, Teguh and Adriadi, Ade (2022) Pencegahan Kekerasan Seksual Remaja Pada Model Pembelajaran Fiqih Kontekstual: Penelitian Di Mts Al-Fathaniyah Serang, Banten Prevention of Adolescent Sexual Violence in the Contextual Fiqh Learning Model: Research at Mts Al-Fathaniyah Serang, Banten. Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam, Vol. 9. pp. 517-528. ISSN p-ISSN: 2407-4616 e-ISSN:2654-3575

Fachmi, Teguh and Latifa, Rena and Syahid, Ahmad Habibi and Kheryadi, and Hidayatullah, and Rachmadtullah, Reza (2019) School Engagement Predictors for Indonesian Islamic Student. Universal Journal of Educational Research.

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