ARDIANSYAH, MURSYID (2018) The Influence of Rap Song to Improve Students Listening Skill(A Quasi Experimental Research at Second Grade of MA AR-RIDHO). Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN "SMH" Banten.
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This study was aimed at first investigating, the influence of rap song to improve students’ listening skill. Second, the difficulties faced by the students in listening comprehension were also investigated. This is a quasi experimental research. The writer taught two different classes employing two different teaching techniques. The writer administrated a pre-test to know that the classes have relatively the same background knowledge in the research variable and a post-test to find out the growth of score as the measurement of achievement. The writer used ttest to calculate the data and to test the hypothesis. The result of the calculation from this research is the value of tobservation is bigger than ttable. tobservation=9.09 >ttable =2.00 (6%) or tobdervstion =9.09>ttable = 2.00. so Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. The researcher gives conclusion that there is the effectiveness of using rap song on student listening skill. It can be seen gat good or better score. Finally, based on the finding of the research, the writer gives some suggestions. The writer hopes this research will be useful for improving of education in Indonesia.
Tipe Item/Data: | Artikel |
Kata Kunci (keywords): | Listening skill |
Subjek: | 400 Bahasa > 407 Pendidikan, penelitian & topik terkait |
Divisi: | Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan > Tadris Bahasa Inggris |
User Penyetor: | S.IIP AINUN NAJAH |
Tanggal Disetorkan: | 22 Mar 2018 08:50 |
Perubahan Terakhir: | 22 Mar 2018 08:50 |
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