Fektivitas Penerapan Model Children Learning In Scienceterhadap Pemahaman Konsep IPA

Febriati, Yoni and Saefurohman, Asep and Juhji, (2019) Fektivitas Penerapan Model Children Learning In Scienceterhadap Pemahaman Konsep IPA. Ibtida’i, Vol.6. pp. 1-12.

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EFECTIVITY OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF MODEL CHILDREN LEARNING IN SCIENCE SCIENCE TO UNDERSTANDING THE CONCEPT. This research is motivated by the difficulty of students in describing and understanding a concept in object classification material, this is because the learning process is still teacher-centered so students are trained to remember and hoard various information without being required to digest and understand the meaning contained in it. This study aims to investigate how the application of the Children Learning in Science Model and its influence on the understanding of the science concept in matter classification. The research method used pre-experiment with the design of one group pretest-posttest. The study sample was 24 students using nonprobability sampling. Data is collected through a description test of 7 items that have been validated. The application of the Children Learning in Science Model in the learning process gets results with an average value of 72 while the learning process that does not apply the Children's Learning in Science Model gets results with an average value of 27.04. Then statistical tests were analyzed using the t test because the sample used was a small sample that was interconnected and obtained a value of 8.133 greater than the table of 2.069. That is, this study found that the application of the children learning in science model influenced the understanding of the science concept.

Tipe Item/Data: Artikel
Kata Kunci (keywords): Children's Learning Model in Science, Understanding of Science Concepts
User Penyetor: S.IPI Tsulatsiah Andi
Tanggal Disetorkan: 27 Mar 2023 02:58
Perubahan Terakhir: 12 Okt 2023 08:10
URI: http://repository.uinbanten.ac.id/id/eprint/11703

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