Development Model in Economic Growth: Dynamic Cycle on Halal Tourism

Maskuroh, Nihayatul (2023) Development Model in Economic Growth: Dynamic Cycle on Halal Tourism. Calitatea, Vol 24. pp. 76-84. ISSN 1582-2559

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The development of sharia tourism in Indonesia has some extraordinary challenges and obstacles throughout 2020- 2022 due to the Covid-19 pandemic. On the other hand, the 2019 GMTI data shows that by 2030, the number of Muslim tourists is projected to exceed 230 million worldwide. The opportunities, challenges, and obstacles shown in the development of sharia tourism require stakeholder follow-up as part of the growth of the sharia economy in the country. This study offers a theoretical framework for economic growth built on dynamic cycle theory because very few studies investigate it. Even though it is imperative to consider an analysis of economic growth with a dynamic cycle that focuses on the halal tourism sector because it is known to make a significant contribution that supports sustainable development conditions and vice versa. This study investigates one of the Islamic tourism development models originating from Ibn Khaldun's thoughts regarding the concept of the state relating to justice to obtain wealth in economic activity (through trade). The research method used is a literature study using content analysis that focuses on the thoughts of Ibn Khaldun as contained in his work entitled Muqadimmah and several relevant previous literatures. The findings reveal that there are two important points. First, Ibnu Khaldun proposes a framework to help countries face challenges of growth or problems of back-and-forth economic development including a dynamic cycle. The framework is based on a proposition of eight principles from a policy known as the eight wise principles or sentence hikammiyah consisting of sovereign power (al-mulk), sharia, human resources (ar-rijal), property (al-mal), development (al-imarah), justice (al-adl), a yardstick (al-mizan), and responsibility are cycles that occur with different durations. So in the end created three generations. Second, if Ibn Khaldun's thoughts about the eight principles of justice policy are embodied in sharia tourism development policies that are supported by the role of human resources, it will affect the reversal of sharia economic growth. It can be concluded that the dynamic cycle can support the development of sharia tourism and have an impact on sharia economic growth as long as the eight policy principles are implemented correctly according to sharia. Stakeholders need to consider the dynamic cycle for future sharia tourism development policies.

Tipe Item/Data: Artikel
Kata Kunci (keywords): Economic Growth, Halal Tourism, Dynamic Cycle
User Penyetor: S.IPI Tsulatsiah Andi
Tanggal Disetorkan: 15 Feb 2023 05:02
Perubahan Terakhir: 15 Feb 2023 05:02

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